His site led me to start buying direct from Yunnan via eBay instead of being ripped off by local vendors for which I should be eternally grateful. I followed his recommendation on my first purchase from Yunnan Sourcing which included this '05 XG. Mike confidently proclaimed this XG's aging potential so I sprung for a few. He certainly had the bit about old tree being better material for aging right but how did this Big Factory old tree fare after all these years? You can also read the live-journal review re-iterating the optimistic aging potential of this cake back in 2006. Vendors still shamelessly make such predictions but experienced tea bloggers now take more care; we've had no shortage of cruel disappointments evident only after a few years.
This XG beeng looks much darker than my other iron beengs but enhanced aging is not exactly reflected in the taste. The greenish hue is an artifact of my ipad camera and in natural light- the cake is much darker than its counterparts. This beeng isn't really going anywhere fast due to the dry climes of my house. Even after almost decade, it's still not ready- it brews up amber and causes residual heartburn. It's XG charms are lost on me as I've developed immunity. Perhaps someone with better aging conditions with this cake could comment.
Mike's recommendation for the 2004 Dadugang 1336th Dai Calendar was perhaps his best call. It's an enjoyable tea by all accounts and at $2.50 a brick back then, you couldn't lose either way.

I've been ambivalent about traveling to PNG for my well-founded fear of sea water crocodiles. I think nothing of sharks when I'm snorkeling even in shark rich waters but the mere thought of a cruising crocodile makes me avoid one of the richest regions. I guess if a larger creature with serious teeth were to tear my limbs, it should not matter that it's a crocodile or a shark. I chose the subtlest simplest carving. You can see the dirt still caked on from use. Although I bought it for my new studio, it's protecting my tea closet until the studio is finished. A girl can't ever have enough carved crocodiles so I'm looking for a few companions.
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