
Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Green and Creamy

These days, the green beverage I look forward to most is an avocado smoothie. I prefer to blend my own with almond milk and acacia honey.  I've been pathologically drinking this concoction almost daily.

Tea keeps irritating my throat even though I try to work up my tolerance levels and the creaminess of the beverage soothes many things.  I contemplate my life time stash of tea while I down the smoothie wondering what if any action I should take in disposing of the amassed tea which may never get drunk.


  1. Do you try out the different kinds of avocado varieties? California growers have a really strong lobbying force, and prevents competition from Hawai'i, which has better commercial varieties. Florida does grow more a more diverse selection, but mostly at homes of rare fruit hobbyists or small orchards that sell fruit to people who care about good fruit. **sigh** lychee season came and went, and no way to buy the good mangos today, still waiting on the second crop of figs at home, as the first got washed out by too much rain...

    1. The California lobby couldn't hold out forever and we started getting avocados from Mexico not so long ago. But still Hass and the thin skinned Bacons and Fuerte are about what I get even at the best green grocer's in Berkeley. I enjoy the bounty of Hawaii when I'm there but even the avocado varieties were not as diverse as the posters might make it seem and the farmer's markets had just a handful.

      Good luck on your figs. If they are too watery- you can still fry them up in butter.


  2. In a small town in northern mexico where my dad is from they have a local variety of avocado that has very thin skin and they eat it with the skin on. Just wash and eat. They only sell very small amounts when it is in season. When my dad is down there he brings back bags of them, he has to remove all the pits ( because US says they are contraband ) and wrap each avocado in foil and put them on ice so they will keep for the long drive back. We usually go a few days eating them all day when he gets back in town. They are so rich, sweet, and creamy, and the skin is so thin that you dont even notice it. My favorite is to just slice um up, little salt and throw in a handmade tortilla. The best tacos ever. Maybe I will try to make a smoothie next time I get some.

    1. Dear Emmett,

      It's lovely to have such seasonal hard to get fruits to look forward to. If there is enough- you can also make avocado ice cream with coconut milk, or even avocado cream pie. Please do send a photo at least.

      I saw a quite an extensive bonsai garden at the Huntington Gardens in Pasadena and thought of you. They had a pomegranate bonsai-ed(2 feet tall still) which bore four handsome fruit. I wonder if you could bonsai an avocado. Perhaps your dad can smuggle a few pits.


  3. I'm sending healing thoughts for the tea irritation and THANKS to you for this recipe!

  4. Dear Steph,

    Thank you for your kind thoughts. I'll try to visualize your healing thoughts next time I brew.

