
Wednesday, February 13, 2013

07 Gu Ming Xiang Nannuo

After a dinner of broiled mackerel, one's palate really isn't fit for anything delicate.  I wanted a tea which could stand up to my dessert of raw milk blue cheese accompanied by a toasted almond croissant. Blue cheese is commonly paired with chestnut honey and so I thought shu would be a natural fit. Chestnut honey can be quite pungent and dusky like a shu.  I pulled this 07 Nannuo out for no other reason than it was within easy reach.

I remembered being moderately pleased with this beeng last year. With budget shu, I always have such low expectations- if I'm not grossed out, I'm happy. No hint of wodui remains. This shu is not merely inoffensive- it's robust and notch (or two) above mediocre. Bites of the sharp blue cheese and marzipan really bring out the round sweetness of this tea.  I may start pairing shu's with more dessert and cheese.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:06 PM

    My experience with Nannuo so far (mostly sheng) has shown me it is a fairly robust mountain overall, and imparts a more diffusive "smooth" type feeling, compared to some of the more accentuated spikes of different flavors that shown up with other regions. I'd liken it to the Dong Ding of puer.
